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The Americans will fail in Iraq: Saddam already said that!

The Dhaka Times Desk After being captured by US forces during the Iraq War, the deposed ruler of the country, Saddam Hussein, said that the Americans would fail to run his country.


CIA officer John Nixon confirmed Saddam's statement at the time in his new book. He was the first officer to interrogate Saddam.

CIA officer John Nixon's new book is called 'The Briefing the President: The Interrogation of Saddam Hussein'. An overview of the book was published in the Times magazine. Nixon said these things in that book.


Nixon wrote that, 'When I was interrogating Saddam Hussein, he was saying, 'In Iraq, your fall is certain. You will soon understand that governing Iraq is not an easy task'. When I told him that I was very interested in why you thought that, Saddam Hussein replied, 'You will fail in Iraq, because you do not understand anything about the language and history. You do not even understand the minds of the Arabs.'

It should be noted that Saddam Hussein used to manage the country by combining Iraqi nationalism and secularism. On December 13, 2003, Saddam was captured by American forces. On December 30, 2006, Saddam was executed at 6:06 a.m. Iraqi time.

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