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The ancient naval base was found in the seabed of Athens!

The Dhaka Times Desk A 2500-year-old ancient naval base has been discovered on the seabed off the coast of Athens, Greece.

Discovered in ancient Athens Naval Base

A group of Greek archaeologists led by maritime archaeologist Jorn Lowen of Copenhagen University in Denmark discovered this ancient naval base.

Remains of wooden sheds for 6 ships were also found in the discovered naval base. It is known, 520-480 BC. This naval base was built during

According to history, the Greeks used this naval base during the war of Salamis with Persia in 480 BC. A coalition of Greek city-states led by Themistocles fought an army of the Persian Empire led by King Xerxes.

Although the Greeks were outnumbered, they won the battle. The battle took place in the straits between mainland Greece and the Salamis Islands.

This naval battle was a very important event in the history of Greece. If the Persians had won that war, the social and cultural history of the whole of Europe might have changed. The story of the Greek victory at the Battle of Salamis is still regarded as an awe-inspiring and inspiring event in world history.

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