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The businessman gave gold jewelry of 3.5 million rupees for the daughter's wedding! [video]

Pic shows: One moment of the ceremony. An Indian sweet maker made sure his daughter was the golden girl at her upcoming wedding by covering her in gold jewelery worth more than 400,000 GBP. The man who was not named nevertheless came under fire after it was revealed he needed a police guard to protect him and his daughter as they turned up covered in gold for the wedding in India's southern Andhra Pradesh state. Police spokesperson Sandeep Kumar in Tirupati, a holy city known for its famous temple of Lord Vishnu, confirmed that the man and his daughter, whom he declined to name, had worn gold jewelery throughout the ceremony. He said: "It is not a crime to wear such a large amount of gold, but there could have been a crime once people heard about it. We just wanted to make sure there were no problems in advance." The move was widely condemned on social media sites once the images from a mobile phone were shared, with people branding it both humiliating and shocking. Indians, one of the world's largest consumers of gold, spend huge amounts in buying gold jewelery for family weddings, and recently several wealthy Indians have been seen sporting shirts made out of solid gold thread. This father of the bride reportedly made his millions from selling confectionery in India. (ends)

The Dhaka Times Desk With money and abundance, people can do anything. For example, a businessman gave gold jewelry of 3.5 million rupees to a girl in marriage!

Pic shows: One moment of the ceremony. An Indian sweet maker made sure his daughter was the golden girl at her upcoming wedding by covering her in gold jewellery worth more than 400,000 GBP. The man who was not named nevertheless came under fire after it was revealed he needed a police guard to protect him and his daughter as they turned up covered in gold for the wedding in India's southern Andhra Pradesh state. Police spokesman Sandeep Kumar in Tirupati, a holy city known for its famous temple of Lord Vishnu, confirmed that the man and his daughter, who he declined to name, had worn gold jewellery throughout the ceremony. He said: "It is not a crime to wear such a large amount of gold, but there could have been a crime once people heard about it. We just wanted to make sure there were no problems in advance." The move was widely condemned on social media sites once the images from a mobile phone was shared, with people branding it both humiliating and shocking. Indians, one of the world's largest consumers of gold, spend huge amounts in buying gold jewellery for family weddings, and recently several wealthy Indians have been seen sporting shirts made out of solid gold thread. This father of the bride reportedly made his millions from selling confectionery in India. (ends)

Seeing the actions of the businessman, many people said, is it just a show of love or wealth? A sweet businessman from Andhra Pradesh, India, wrapped his head in gold jewelry at his daughter's wedding. The total value of his daughter's body jewelry is about 3 crore 54 lakh rupees!

The temple town of Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh witnessed an unprecedented display of gold at the wedding of a rich businessman's daughter. A local confectionary businessman married his only daughter with gold jewelery worth around 3 crore 54 lakhs. During the wedding ceremony, the bride's father was also adorned with gold jewelry worth several lakhs of rupees, which made the eyes of the guests tear up.

The bride appeared at the local temple wedding ceremony covered in gold from head to toe. He was accompanied by a daughter-in-law businessman, his hands and neck were full of gold jewelry!

Seeing this golden procession through the poor localities of the area, the local people were stunned. However, the local police force was cautious about the security of the bride and her father. A large police force was deployed for the wedding ceremony. Talk about a rich father's daughter's marriage!

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