The Dhaka Times
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Selfie shot in the head!

The Dhaka Times Desk Even after being shot in the head, a woman took a selfie with her husband! What is really so? It only suits movies.

Selfie shot in head

There is one thing we say every now and then and that is 'cinema cows grow on trees.' And where does the story of Indian tele serials rise? Reading this story will prove it true. Accusations of flying the flag of unreality against Indian tele serials are not new.

The concept that gave birth to the national entertainment television channel Mega Serial has today become a standard model for television channels across India!

That's all about the current selfie! A bullet penetrated the middle of the forehead of a woman, but she survived for a long time. The woman fell on her husband's lap, then the woman walked with her husband and got into the car.

The woman again asked her husband to pick up the fallen flower garland. The husband picked up the garland and tied it to the hair of his dying wife. This is not the end, even if the forehead is shot, as if the life of the fish! Despite the bullet wound, the wife took out her mobile phone and took a selfie with her husband. Still he is alive. He gave knowledge to the husband what to do in his absence etc. etc. Is this actually possible?

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