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Android Nougat is coming this month

The Dhaka Times Desk This month i.e. in the month of August, Google is going to open their long-awaited Android 7.0 version.

Coming to Android this month nugata

Developer preview users have already revealed a lot about the next update of the Android operating system, Android 7.0 Nougat. But so far no one has given an idea about when it will start reaching everyone's hands.

Twitter star Evan Blass, who has already gained a lot of 'fame' by leaking information about mobile handsets and operating systems, tweeted from his account that Google is going to open the much-awaited Android 7.0 version this August.

Regarding time where Google mentioned only 'summer' without specifying any specific month date. In that case, Evan Blass went one step further and gave a clear idea by referring to the month of August.

However, nothing has been said about who exactly will be able to enjoy this new update first. It is pretty sure that almost all current Nexus phone users will get the Android 7.0 Nougat update right from the start.

Evan reports, however, that 2013 Nexus 5 users may be missing out on this feature. But for those who use Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony, Xiaomi or other brands of handsets outside of Nexus, there is no reason to be happy in August. Because the Nougat update will take several more months to reach other Android phones.

It is not yet known when all Android phones will get this update. Even the previous Android 6.0 Marshmallow has managed to reach only 13.3 percent of phones so far. A maximum of 35.1 percent of Android users are still using Lollipop 5.0 and 5.1, which came out two years ago. That is, even if Google brings new updates, it is still not able to reach all users properly.

However, Google is also bringing new Nexus phones with the new Android update. The two new Nexus phones are expected to be unveiled in September or October.

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