The Dhaka Times
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Now coming 'smart car'!

Researchers have set out to invent a car that will actually be a little smarter

The Dhaka Times Desk The entire world has entered the smart age. Nowadays everything starting from the phone is becoming smart. But this time the new news is that the 'smart car' is coming!

এবার আসছে 'স্মার্ট গাড়ি'! 1

According to media reports, this time researchers have worked to invent a car that will actually be a little smarter. These are called smart cars or 'cars of the future'. That is, these cars will take the place of the current famous brand cars.

How smart will these cars be?

The researchers said that they can run without a driver, and if the driver is driving himself, he will keep an eye on him at all times. If he makes a mistake, he will immediately take the responsibility of steering from his hands and leave it in his hands again!

During long distance driving, the driver's eyes often feel drowsy. In this case, if he is sleepy, he will be advised to go to the back seat and rest. During this time he will drive himself. If you see something funny happening on the way, record it and post it on social media!

Never have to worry about speed limits either. If you see a signboard somewhere on the road saying 'Maximum speed limit is this km', you will immediately reduce the speed of the car to that level. He will also search the road by satellite search on the go. It will find out which road is clear, which road is jammed and enter the alternative road by itself.

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