The Dhaka Times
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Parimony is now the heroine of Kolkata's action hero Om!

The Dhaka Times Desk At present Bangladeshi heroine Parimoney is on top. Now Kolkata's Om is appearing as the hero of this top favorite!


This hero from Kolkata is going to be the hero of Bangladeshi films for the third time. Earlier, Om was the hero of the film 'Hero 420' opposite Nusrat Faria and 'Agni-2' with Mahia Mahi. Both these films are directed by young filmmaker Saikat Nasir.


The film was supposed to feature debutant Sumit opposite Parimony, but the producer changed the decision at the last moment. The director also finally succumbed to the producer's arguments. The reason is the market. The distributors were a bit hesitant to take on a new hero because of the risk involved, so Om was chosen as the hero in 'Pashaan'.


Saikat Nasir said, Om's character in my film is very action oriented. Can tell romantic-action stories. So the producer found Om more reliable than Sumit. I also agreed to it. But Sumit is a very good actor. I want to do big things with him in the future.'

According to director Saikat Nasir, four villains who shake the screen of Dhaliwood are acting in this film: Misha Saudagar, Mizu Ahmed, Sadek Bachchu and Tarun Shimul Khan.

'Pashaan' is produced by Visualiser. However, overall supervision is under Jazz Multimedia.

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