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A group of thirsty elephants appeared in the swimming pool! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Thirst for water is a great thirst. Just as people run wildly for water, a group of elephants finally hit a swimming pool for water!

A group of water-thirsty elephants came to swimming pool

This video of elephants attacking swimming pools is now viral. The fact is, a group of human children were having fun in the swimming pool, when a group of thirsty elephants appeared there!

Men, women, children and old elephants came to drink water and first greeted everyone present, then very naturally started the festival by drinking the water as they considered the swimming pool their own.

The event is at the Mabalingui Nature Reserve in South Africa. A family went camping there by renting a house. They were splashing in the swimming pool in the courtyard of the house in the lazy afternoon, when suddenly a group of elephants appeared. There was no limit to the surprise of the people of that family.

It should be noted that there is a drought in this region of South Africa. Animals and birds are also very thirsty there. However, those elephants appeared at people's doors not to cause any trouble, but only to wet their throats.

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