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Facebook has taken measures to stop cheating

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook updated the news feed formula from yesterday (Thursday). Facebook has taken this measure to stop cheating.

Facebook has taken steps to stop fraud

That said, headlines that entice Facebook users to click with catchy or exaggerated headlines are excluded.

Facebook researchers Kristin Hendricks and Alex Pejakovic said in a blog post that the change to Facebook's News Feed aims to mislead readers with catchy and exaggerated headlines or to click on a link for more details. Remove those posts.

Several news feeds on Facebook often feature enticing headlines. Like- 'When I looked under her coach cushion and saw this...I was shocked!' Or 'He Puts Garlic In His Shoes Before Going To Bed And Hot Happens Next Is Hard To Believe' etc.

The comment of the Facebook authorities is that they have come to a strict position to remove such clickbait or click business methods. Facebook is using a system that will remove those headlines that are misleading to the reader.

Facebook users often complain about such links and headlines, Hendricks said. Customers requested to remove them. From now on, Facebook users will see very few news feeds with such deceptive headlines.

Facebook says it will determine news headlines based on two key factors. One is to see if the headline matches the news feed, and the other is to see if the headline is exaggerated or not. In this way, the Facebook authorities will take action on those who are forcing the Facebook user to click.

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