The Dhaka Times
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Breaking news: Mir Qasem Ali's execution is taking place at night

The Dhaka Times Desk Jamaat leader Mir Qasem Ali is to be hanged tonight. Three ambulances have already entered the prison.

mir kashem

It was informed today (Saturday) afternoon that the hanging will be executed at Kashimpur Central Jail-2 in Gazipur.

Inspector General of Prisons (IG Prisons) Brigadier General Syed Iftekhar Uddin has already entered the jail to participate in the execution of Mir Kasem Ali. He entered Gazipur Kashimpur Central Jail-2 at 6:50 pm.

Before that, the family members of Mir Kasem Ali met him and left.
Jail sources said, Mir Kasem Ali will be hanged tonight. All the processes incidental to the execution have already been completed.

Along with the police, a large number of RAB members are lining up at the prison gate. A fire service vehicle entered the prison around 4 pm. A police water cannon was placed inside the jail the night before.

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