The Dhaka Times
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Poornima's telefilm 'Fire Go Holo Na' today at noon

The Dhaka Times Desk Actress Poornima's telefilm 'Fire Gaya Holo Na' will be aired on Banglavision today (Wednesday) at 2:10 PM.


Written and directed by SA Haque Olik, the telefilm 'Fire Gawa Holo Naa' stars Poornima, Hriday Khan, Syed Hasan Imam, Sharmili Ahmed and others.

Purnima played the role of Rodela and Hriday Khan played the role of Faheem in the telefilm 'Fire Goho Holo Na'.


The short story goes like this: Fahim is a quiet, calm and very moody boy from outside the country. On the other hand, Rodella is a very mischievous girl. At one time Rodela's mischief was liked by Fahim, a quiet boy. Then this is how the story of the telefilm 'Fire Go Holo Naa' proceeds.

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