The Dhaka Times
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Kareena Kapoor will teach exercise to pregnant mothers online!

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor is going to be a mother. He knows how to keep pregnant mothers healthy. He will teach bodybuilding online.


He will teach the body exercises to the expectant mothers as he is preparing himself. In particular, Kareena will openly discuss obesity issues, malnutrition and pregnancy. For that, it has been reported that Kareena will appear on an online talk show.

It is known that Kareena is launching this show in collaboration with celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Divekar. She will be sharing with her fans the secrets behind her flawless looks and glowing skin. He will teach pregnant mothers the essentials including proper eating-sleeping-exercise.

It is known that this show will be in three episodes. The first episode will be shown live today (Monday). The live streaming of the second episode will be in the middle of October. The last episode will be shown live once Kareena Kapoor is fully recovered after delivery.

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