The Dhaka Times
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The whole city is the story of a city like a cemetery!

The Dhaka Times Desk The whole city is a graveyard. Located in the Shiite city of Najaf, Iraq, the cemetery has been labeled as the world's largest cemetery.


According to a recent report, this cemetery has grown almost twice its original size. One of the reasons for this is that the number of Shia Muslims who have died in the Islamic State-war has had no choice but to increase its size.

In the past, the Wadi al-Salam cemetery (meaning 'Valley of Peace') was a place of great emotion for Shia Muslims. Because, the tomb of their first Imam Ali bin Abi Talib is located in this cemetery. The crematorium handles about 150 to 200 bodies per day, up from 80 to 120 earlier.

Paramilitaries fighting with the militant group Daesh came to pay their respects at the tomb of Abi Talib. Their wish is to be buried here after their death. This will be the best reward for them. Therefore, the price of land has gradually increased. It has become really difficult to find suitable burial ground.

It is reported that only 25 square meters of land is available for USD 4100. Again, a lot of firewood has to be burned. The cemetery is getting dirty. This graveyard began to take on a supernatural appearance. This 'Peace Valley' has become a tourist attraction!

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