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Many superstitions through the ages: Is black cat really evil?

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many superstitions about black cats. These superstitions have been going on for ages. Black cats are considered evil in many cultures around the world. What is it really?


There are many superstitions about black cats. A black cat crossing the road in particular is considered a bad omen. Many believe that if a black cat is seen crossing the road while setting out on an auspicious task, there is a possibility that the task will not be successful. So many would return home and start the journey afresh when this happened, or it was considered better to wait for a while and then leave for work again. Many drivers follow this advice! But are all these beliefs mere superstition, or do they have a real basis? This is still not clear.

Many say that if you look for the scriptural explanation of this belief, you will find that this black cat is mentioned in Swaguna Shastra, a special branch of astrology. Swaguna Shastra is a Shastra, which is mainly practiced on various inauspicious signs. Black cats are especially considered inauspicious in these scriptures. It is said that black is actually a symbol of Saturn. Saturn causes disruption or failure in work. So a black cat crossing the road means Saturn's evil eye on the person who is going to do good work. Therefore, there are many chances of not getting success in his work. Swaguna Shastra also instructs how to nullify this evil. It is said that when a black cat crosses the road, one should return home after meditating on God for some time, then go out again for work.

But it is more present in Indian culture. However, the belief that black cats are evil is prevalent in different cultures of the world. In Germany it is considered unlucky for a black cat to run from the right side of the road to the left. Again, Germans believe that if a black cat crosses the road from left to right, it is a good sign.

Similar beliefs are also prevalent in various countries of Southern and Western Europe. Pirates of the 19th century also believed that if a black cat ran away from a person, it was a sign of bad luck. Gamblers consider the sight of a black cat on their way to gamble as inauspicious. If this happens, it is assumed that they will lose the game that day.


But it is true that all these beliefs have no scientific basis. Some biologists believe that some animals can sense impending natural disasters. But there is no reasonable reason to believe that a cat or any other animal has anything to do with a person's misfortune.

Anthropologists about black cats say that it is really difficult to discover the true reason for the belief that black cats are evil, but generally cats run across the road when an animal or a person chases them. That is, when you see a cat crossing the road, you must assume that a person or some other animal is running behind it. So it's a good idea to slow down, or stop, to protect the animal being pursued. Anthropologists believe that the urban myth related to bad omens has been created to raise awareness among motorists!

The color black is considered an ominous sign in various cultures. Especially in Indian culture, black color is a symbol of Saturn, and in different cultures, this black color is associated with Satanism. That is why black cats are considered more inauspicious in this particular reformation. In addition, black cat's eyes glow in the darkness of the night. Anyone can get scared if they suddenly see a black cat in the dark. Therefore, black cats are often associated with evil.

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