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The mysterious 'Coney Island Cow' is dead


The Dhaka Times Desk The mysterious cow known as the 'Coney Island Cow' has finally died. This wild cow was a mystery in Singapore's Coney Island.


It was the only wild cow in the tiny island nation of Singapore. This cow was no one's pet. This cow became very popular. But the cow had a very lonely life.

But in the last week, his loneliness has disappeared. This cow known as Coney Island Cow has died. But no one knows how it came to Coney Island in Singapore. There are many mysteries about him.

A few years ago. Tourists then rediscovered Coney Island. A national park was opened there. Tourists can go hiking or cycling there.
But after a few days everyone realized that this island already has an inhabitant.
Suddenly he would be seen, and suddenly he would go somewhere. Tourists were sometimes looked at like fools.

A park like this is not supposed to have cows. But when tourists start liking its presence.
His name became the 'Coney Island Cow'. Signboards are placed for incoming tourists. It says, 'Don't be afraid when you see the cow. Never disturb him. There were various warnings on that signboard like 'Don't take pictures with him'.

But surprisingly, the tourists did not heed these cautionary messages. Finding the cow is an adventure for tourists visiting the island.

Singaporeans are mourning the death of this mysterious cow on social media.
Authorities say the Coney Island cow died of lung problems. The focus of discussion on social media is that wild mysterious cow!

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