The Dhaka Times
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The story of the mysterious pink water Lake Hilia

The Dhaka Times Desk How many mysteries exist in the world cannot be ended in numbers. Today's report has the story of one such mysterious pink water Lake Hilia.


From the vast rainforests of the Amazon to the mangrove forests of the Sundarbans, everything speaks volumes about its magnificence. Among thousands of creations there are some creations that amaze the world. The greatness of God is described.

One of the wonders of the world is Lake Hilia in Australia. The large island is covered with green trees. Next to this huge forest is the ocean. It is about 600 meters or 1800 feet long and about 100 meters wide. Between this green and blue is a huge lake. But the surprising thing is that the water of this lake is not like the water of ten other lakes. The water of this lake is completely pink.


Scientists have not been able to explain why the lake water is pink next to the blue water in this huge forest. But someone said, there is a large number of bacteria called red hylopilic. Scientists say that water may have a pink color due to its presence.

However, it is not confirmed that this is the most accurate reason. This lake of pink water inside the green forest is still a wonder to the world. But this water looks pink in color but it is known to be completely safe.

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