The Dhaka Times Desk We have never heard of such an ad before. Now online ads selling ghosts! Did you stop when you heard that?
The language of the ad was exactly this - 'I want to sell a ghost. I found this male ghost while buying an old wooden box. He is always inside that box. No matter which room I put the box, he goes to that room! No matter how I hide the box, he finds it again. If you can't find it, it's a problem. The total cost of the box and ghost is only $300. Those interested in purchasing please e-mail quickly.'
The above statement was advertising language. The ad is placed on a reputable e-commerce site. Also the advertiser has given a picture of the box.
But even though it is not known who saw the ad and swiped the credit card, the comment box of this ad started a discussion. Someone asked about the character of the ghost in question, someone wanted to know his size? etc. etc.
Maybe that's why the advertiser got fed up and raised the ghost price to $1000. He also posted 'pictures' of ghosts.
To answer people's questions, he also said that the ghost is 5 feet 8 inches or 6 feet tall. Upon entering the room, he takes the form of a black mist. If you look closely, you can see that he is wearing something black, but he has no clothes on.
The advertiser also said that he tried to get a video of the ghost to no avail. The video did not catch the ghost. Only his stills were photographed! They are what he advertised. But he never saw his face. He realized that his body is quite transparent. Some of his own expert friends have come to his house and examined these ghostly activities!
Shortly after this statement was published, the advertiser reported that someone had purchased the ghost along with a paranormal-seeking box. But the surprising thing is that nothing was understood about this 'ghostly' advertisement.