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A great new selfie app has arrived on Android!

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, no celebration is complete without a 'selfie'. For selfie lovers, a great new selfie app has arrived on Android!


Due to smartphones, this selfie has engrossed people all over the world that recently many people are busy taking selfies without judging the time and place. Again, several dangerous incidents have happened with this selfie. But despite that, the attraction of taking selfies has not decreased a bit.

Only two years ago, handsets without front-cameras were launched. But now no brand can think of launching a new phone without a selfie camera.

But despite having a selfie camera, there are several apps that are only dedicated to taking selfies. One such app on iOS was 'Microsoft Selfie'. This app can greatly increase the clarity of the pictures taken by the front camera.

Although this app was launched a year ago. This app also became popular among iPhone users in a very short time. That app is now made for the Android platform. 'Microsoft Selfie' has already arrived on the Google Play Store.

The great quality of this app is that this app automatically adjusts exposure, color balance and light while taking pictures. So while taking a selfie, focus only on your own look without worrying about anything else. Like all camera or selfie apps, it also has several editing features. All in all a good selfie app.

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