The Dhaka Times
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Today is the birthday of famous fiction writer Humayun Ahmed

The Dhaka Times Desk Today is the 68th birthday of celebrated novelist and filmmaker Humayun Ahmed. The TV channels of the country have organized special programs on the occasion of Nandit's birthday.


TV channels of the country have organized special programs on the occasion of Nandit's birthday. Among these programs are discussion programs on the life of Humayun Ahmed along with movies, dramas. Today there will be various events including drama, talk show.

'Himu Mela' on Channel I

On the occasion of the 68th birthday of celebrated fiction writer Humayun Ahmed, Channel I organized an exceptional day-long festival. As part of the festival Himu Mela was organized at Channel I Chetna premises. Films written and chosen by Humayun Ahmed, drama songs, and songs by famous artists of the country will be performed on this fair stage. Apart from dance and poetry recitation, Humayun Ahmed's close friends will recite memoirs. Humayun fans will appear in yellow Punjabi.

It should be noted that he was born on 13 November 1948 in Kutubpur village of Kendua Upazila of Netrakona district. Today is November 13, his 68th birthday.

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