The Dhaka Times
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First phone will protect children!

The Dhaka Times Desk Parents have no end of worries when their children go to school or out of the house. Working parents are especially worried. To eliminate their worries, a special type of mobile phone suitable for children has been created. The phone will play a leading role in the safety of children.


A company named Ownphone has made this mobile phone. 12 numbers can be stored in this small credit card shaped phone called 'FirstPhone'. If the child is in danger, he can contact the parents directly by pressing these buttons.

But screenless mobile phones do not have SMS facility. There is no internet access. Children aged 4 to 9 years can use it. The price is also quite low. It is known that 55 pounds or about 6600 rupees will be charged to buy the phone.

In fact, the parents of our country are also very worried about the children. If this mobile phone comes to our country, it is thought that the parents will get some relief.

Source: Dainik Kal Kantha based on internet.

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