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An aircraft that is really mysterious!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are several important things inside and outside the airplane without which an airplane is never complete. In a word, Biman is really a mystery.


As a result of the advancement of technology, the black box has made its name quite well among those important things. But not only the black box, this report is made with the most mysterious and unsolved accidents in the history of the world with all kinds of matters related to aircraft.

Mysterious crash: Egypt Air Flight 990

October 31, 1999. A few days ago, the co-pilot of Egypt Air Flight 990 was accused of sexual assault on an employee of the company. The issue gave rise to a lot of discussion and criticism. Chief pilot Hatim Rushdie reminded accused Al Batouti before the plane started to fly that this is his last flight! After some time, the plane flew in the sky properly and seeing the situation favorable, Hatim went to the bathroom. Shortly after this, Batauti's voice was heard in the black box of the plane. "I surrender myself to God"

Shortly after that, the plane crashed into the sea. About 217 people died in that accident. What exactly happened that day? Was it suicide or something else? The answer is shrouded in mystery.

The odd number is 191

Flight 191 of 1979 is one of the worst aviation accidents in American history. The plane crashed shortly after take off. 258 passengers and 13 workers died. This incident was several years ago. Another plane crashed in 1967, Flight 191. The pilot of the plane died there. This is the history of many years after these events. The last time another plane with the number 191 suffered an accident was in 2012. Instead of the pilot, the passengers took charge of the plane. Who knows because of this incident three times in a row, now many airlines do not want to use the number 191!

Those who are completely lost

Many people know the name of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. From which no ship, man or plane can return. As the service approached the Bermuda Triangle on December 5, 1945, five new American aircraft sent a very different message. The sea looked different even to the passengers. The movement of the aircraft and the surrounding environment also looked different and strange. Why did it look like that? However, the answer is still unknown. Because shortly after sending the above message, these 5 planes suddenly disappeared in a row. Aliens, ghosts or something else? The mystery still remains.

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