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Qatar will take 6,000 workers at no cost!

The Dhaka Times Desk Qatar will hire 6,000 workers from Bangladesh in the construction sector. Those who will go under this will not have to spend any money. Know the process to go to Qatar.


It is known that in this process everything from travel allowance to accommodation will be provided by the hiring company. After going to Qatar, the workers will find work in a famous company called Salini Imprigilo in Italy. That company got the job of building a stadium in Qatar.

It is known that the huge stadium is being built in Al Khor on the occasion of the 2022 World Cup. Bangladesh's manpower exporter Al Islam Overseas is sending these workers to Qatar. The Ministry of Expatriate Welfare and Foreign Employment of Bangladesh sees this initiative of sending workers free of cost as positive.

Director General of Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training (BMET) Salim Reza told the media, 'Women workers from Bangladesh currently do not have to go abroad. However, male workers have to spend lakhs of rupees to go abroad. In such a situation, Al Islam Overseas is sending workers to Qatar free of cost.

Those who are going through this process from Bangladesh will get job in Salini Imprigilo. We welcome this initiative to send workers free of charge. Other traders can also learn from this.

Salini Imprigilo operates in 50 countries around the world. 35 thousand workers are working under them. According to the Ministry of Expatriate Welfare, Al Bayat Stadium will be built in Al Khore, Qatar.

This stadium is being built 50 km north of Doha. It can seat 70 thousand spectators. Its work started in September 2015. The work will be completed on August 31, 2018. Apart from the stadium, this company has got the job of constructing a residential area in Qatar.

Currently, Qatar is the second top labor market in Bangladesh. In 2015, 1 lakh 23 thousand 956 Bangladeshi workers were hired by Qatar. This year (2016) 1 lakh 10 thousand 634 people went to Qatar till November 27. Every month, 45 million US dollars foreign currency is coming to Bangladesh from Qatar.

According to the Ministry of Expatriate Welfare, mainly skilled construction workers will go to Qatar through Al Islam Overseas.

Employers in Qatar are coming and screening candidates. The hiring company will provide all their health examination, air fare. Apart from this, they will also get food and living expenses when they go to Qatar. The basic salary of these workers will be 900 Rials.

Sources from the Ministry of Expatriate Welfare have said that accommodation and food arrangements will be made for these newly brought workers. Workers will work 8 hours a day on a two-year renewable contract.

Working more than 8 hours will be considered as overtime, but according to Qatar Labor Law. As per Qatar Labor Law, workers will also be provided with medical and other facilities.
In the case of workers, after two years, various opportunities including return ticket, vacation pay will also be given.

Zainal Abedin Zafar, the owner of Al Islam Overseas, said, "The way we made the agreement, there is no cost to send workers to Qatar." Those who take the people will bear all the expenses. I think, if skilled workers can be sent, it will be possible to send a large number of Bangladeshis to Qatar.

He also said that the related companies in Qatar provide them with food, medical care, insurance and other facilities for those we send. After two years, they are also given tickets to come and go to the country. We want to send more people to Qatar like this.'

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