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The world's oldest water found in Canada!

The Dhaka Times Desk 2 billion years of water has been found in a mine in Canada. Scientists say, this may be the most primitive water in the world.


Several international media, including The Star of Canada, said that the planet Earth was washed away by the current of water 250 million years after the birth of the earth, this is the water. Geologists from the University of Toronto in Canada determined the location of this water at a depth of 3 kilometers from the surface.

The researchers said that the currents, which are about 2 billion years old and still cover a certain area, are similar to the currents of a closed reservoir. Researchers claim that this is the world's 'primitive stream'. But geologists believe, this water still survives around the most primitive microorganisms. About whom nothing much is known.

According to the research paper published in the online journal '', there is a water table at the ground level. Beneath this is a thick layer of rock and metal or metallurgy. Below that is the level of the most primitive water in the world. A large amount of sulphate and sulphide salts were found in this water. It is said that the existence of water on earth is found after the birth of the earth.

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