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Can you tell which egg is a healthy chicken egg?

The Dhaka Times Desk We know the benefits of eggs. This egg is beneficial for health. Many of us do not know which egg is from a healthy chicken. Take it today.


Many of us do not know when to eat eggs to know which ones are of good quality and which ones are not. But how do you know which egg is more nutritious for health?

According to media reports, the researchers bought three cartons of eggs for this experiment. The first carton is purchased from the owner of the chicken farm, the second carton is purchased from the store. These were eggs from grain-fed chickens. And the third carton is purchased from a major supermarket chain.


The researchers took one egg from each of the three cartons and cracked them into a frying pan. And that's when you can see the difference. Exactly as you see in the accompanying picture. The egg yolk color of cartons purchased from the farm owner was dark orange. However, the yolk color of the remaining two eggs was seen to be light yellow. According to the researchers, orange yolk has the highest nutritional value. As it is high in omega three fatty acids and vitamins, it is also low in cholesterol.

So why does this happen? According to experts, the color of egg yolk mainly depends on the hen's diet. Chickens that eat a variety of grains, insects, the color of their eggs is dark yellow, as well as the smell is more. And if the health of the hen is good, then the eggs will be more nutritious. Which is also very beneficial for our health.

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