The Dhaka Times
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The second phase of Vishwa Ijtema has started

The Dhaka Times Desk The second phase of Biswa Ijtema began today amid tight security, solemn atmosphere and religious fervour, on the shores of Tongir's Turag. Last prayer will be on Sunday.

বিশ্ব ইজতেমার দ্বিতীয় পর্ব শুরু হয়েছে 1

The second and last phase of the 6-day-long Vishwa Ijtema has started today Friday after Fajr Aam Bayan. Last prayer will be on Sunday. Today, the world's largest Friday congregation will be held at the Tabligh Jamaat's annual grand conference, Biswa Ijtema, on the banks of the Turag River in Tongir, a suburb of the capital Dhaka.

To participate in the Juma Jamaat, millions of worshipers are coming to Ijtema today, apart from the capital, thousands of people from the surrounding areas by rail, road, water and many other vehicles are participating in this biggest Jamaat.

In this Ijtema, about 12,000 representatives from 93 countries of the world, including millions of Muslims of the country, are listening to the speeches of the top leaders of Tabligh Jamaat. After the Fajr prayer, the second and last phase of the program started with Am Bayan.

The second and final phase of the 52nd edition of the World Ijtema, the meeting place of the Muslim world, will end on January 22 with the last prayer.

Law and order forces have taken strict security measures on the occasion of Ijtema. Arrangements have been made to ensure smooth access to the Ijtema site.

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