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Finally the top hacker Sabu Chala was arrested

Staff Reporter Seven days of thief and one day of Grihastha. This adage is actually true. Saying again and again Ghu Ghu Tu Kheyo Jao Dhan... Just such a truth has been proved in reality. The guru and his associates of the hacker group who hacked all the important websites of the world's corporations and governments have been arrested.অবশেষে শীর্ষ হ্যাকার সাবু চ্যালাসহ আটক 1 The FBI tracked down a ring of the world's most destructive internet hackers on the US government's most wanted list. They said on March 6 that they have been detained in view of a secret information received a month ago. Top hacker Hector Xavier Monsegar alias Sabu has been arrested along with 5 associates. One of them is a resident of Chicago. Authorities said this would be the biggest case of internet hacking.

Quoting the court, a foreign media reported that they started their activities in 2008 under the name of 'Anonymous'. The court charged them with purposeful intimidation, destruction and crime on the Internet. Supporters of Anonymous erupted on chatrooms and Twitter. Some also called the news a blatant lie.

Many people are thinking that Sabu may be the government's fodder. However, anonymous sources said, they are all fine. In a tweet on Twitter, they said, 'All our employees are fine and continuing to work.' All the infamous acts against Mansegar have been produced in the court. Authorities say the man founded a hacking organization called Lulz in May last year. Lulz means 'fun'.
Authorities allege that even with such a name, the organization is using its followers to harm business and government institutions worldwide. As a result, data theft, leaks and business losses are created. Source: Huffington Post

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