The Dhaka Times
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Myanmar has finally announced the end of military operations in Rakhine

In the face of repression in Rakhine, about 70 thousand Rohingya fled to Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk Myanmar has finally announced the end of the military operation in Rakhine state. The government officials of the country gave this news.

অবশেষে মিয়ানমার রাখাইনে সেনা অভিযান বন্ধের ঘোষণা দিয়েছে 1

According to international media sources, several police outposts were attacked on the Rakhine border on October 9 last year. 14 people including 9 policemen were killed in the attack. After the attack, Myanmar security forces launched a violent operation in Rakhine. There are many allegations against them like abduction, murder, torture, rape, gang rape, looting, arson.

Rohingya's homes have been wiped out in Rakhine

According to UN estimates, about 70,000 Rohingya fled to Bangladesh in the face of repression in Rakhine.
The Myanmar government has come under severe international criticism for its violent repression against the Rohingya in Rakhine.

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