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The story of an island that wakes up from melting ice

The underground ice melts out the traces of animal life that are about 200,000 years old

The Dhaka Times Desk A world that was buried thousands of years ago. There was a layer of ice on it. As the ice melts, the world is slowly seen!

বরফ গলে জেগে উঠা এক দ্বীপের গল্প 1

Recently, a large crater has emerged in Siberia. Seeing that, scientists have responded. The local Yakutian people believe that the cavern called 'Batagaika' is the entrance to the underworld. About a kilometer wide and 280 feet deep, the crater is growing 33 to 99 feet every year.

Because of this, the underground ice is melting and revealing the fauna of almost two hundred thousand years old. Already found in the Batagaika Cave are prehistoric almost intact mammoth and 4 thousand year old horse fossils!

According to scientists, this huge hole was created due to the melting of ice underground due to global warming. Because of this, fossils of many prehistoric animals buried during the Ice Age have come to light.

Scientists also said that the last time such a crater was formed in Siberia was at the end of the Ice Age, about 10,000 years ago. The researchers also believe that important information can be obtained from the cavity in the study of climate change and warming. But there is some concern about this among them.

However, Russian scientists said that small pox germs that have been buried for many years can also come out of such cavities. So it is necessary to research this matter.

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