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Sahara withdrew themselves from the IPL

The Dhaka Times Desk IPL affected by spot fixing Sahara-owned Pune Warriors withdrew from this time. Last Tuesday, Sahara also announced that they will no longer renew their sponsorship deal with the Indian national cricket team after December.


Sahara has submitted only 20% to the BCCI as the Franchise Fee of the Pune Warriors team in the current IPL season. The rest of the money was supposed to be paid to BCCI by the stipulated deadline, but Sahara could not pay it. As a result, BCCI withdrew Pune's bank guarantee. After that, Sahara decided to withdraw its name as Pune's franchise on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, due to the lack of bank guarantee of the team, Pune's game is uncertain until the next IPL season. However, Sahara said that BCCI's decision to withdraw Pune's bank guarantee has hurt their faith.

"It is a firm and final decision that Sahara is pulling out of the IPL," Sahara said.

But last year, Sahara bought the ownership of Pune for 10 years for a record price of 1702 crore rupees in IPL. Now Sahara is saying that they will not return to IPL even though their entire fee has been waived. On the other hand, BCCI has said that Sahara authorities have not yet sent any official statement to them.

The record of Pune Warriors in this year's IPL is not very good. The team is in the 8th position after winning only 4 of 16 matches.

Source: Times of India

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