The Dhaka Times Desk Vikram Chattopadhyay, the popular actor of Star Jalsa's Chchannadi serial, was hospitalized for some time after the accident on the night of April 29. How will Chachnadi run without Vikram?
A slight change has been made in the story to accommodate his absence during the shooting of Chachanadi serial. Vikram's head injury is still not fully healed.
However, to deal with the issue, the topic of Vikram's accident has been brought in the series for the time being. However, the investigation into Sonica's death in the same car accident with Vikram is becoming increasingly complicated.
New information is coming out every day. Vikram Chatterjee has already been questioned by the police twice. He may be called for questioning at any time.
In such a situation, will Chachnadi move forward without Vikram? Leena Gangopadhyay, the producer-screenwriter of the serial, said, 'Vikram has also shot for two days. Now the younger son is married in that house. If Vikram is available there I will work, if not available I will not work. There will be no problem in terms of my story.'
Viewers have already seen Meghla lying in the hospital. The audience was eager to see this scene.
According to Leena Gangopadhyay, it is known that since Vikram is under the channel contract, the decision is basically the channel's. If Star Jalsa wants to work with Vikram and Vikram informs the production company that he will come for the shoot, only then will he be given a call time from the production team.
He also said that there is no difficulty in working without Vikram. Because shooting has already been done without him for several days. However, without Vikram (Anurag), the channel authorities do not want to say anything about whether Chachnadi will be able to attract viewers like before.
However, after the release of the TRP list, it has been found that the TRP of Chachnadi has increased in a week. That is, those who did not watch this series regularly, after the news of the accident and because of the recent events, they are also coming to the television screen in that slot.
But if Chachnadi really has to go ahead without Vikram, will any new hero be brought in this series? However, it will be clear after a few days. One of the reasons for this is the issue of road accident litigation. But only time will tell what is actually going to happen.
It should be noted that the Chachnadi series of Star Jalsa is also very popular in Bangladesh.