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3 arrested on charges of killing a soldier in London

The Dhaka Times Desk A terrorist attack on the streets of London British law enforcement agencies have arrested three people on Saturday on suspicion of being involved in the murder of a slain British soldier.


Drummer Lee Rigby turned 25 on Wednesday After a soldier returning from the Afghan war was hacked to death in broad daylight on the street outside the Royal Artillery barracks in south-east London, one of the suspected attackers held up a meat cleaver and told passers-by on camera that he had carried out the attack because British soldiers were killing Muslims every day.

Meanwhile, two of those arrested, aged 28 and 24, were arrested from a house in south-east London. A third person, aged 21, was arrested from a road 1.5 km away from the scene of the murder. Investigating officers raided four other residential areas in south-east London to arrest suspects.


Meanwhile, British Prime Minister David Cameron announced in his Downing Street office a new strategy to combat terrorism and extremism. task force has been formed. The new task force will include key cabinet ministers and police and security chiefs as needed. Its main task will be to identify those who are speaking politically provocative messages in schools, colleges, jails and mosques.

Earlier, after the murder, two injured people were arrested from the scene of the incident. Their names are Michael Adebolajo (28) and Michael Adebowale (22), both of them are now in police custody in a safe condition in hospital. The two arrested Nigerian Christians converted to Islam a few years ago and associated themselves with Islamic terrorism and extremism. Adebowale's mother, Juliet Obasuyi, said, "He comes from a staunch Christian family, but after converting to Islam, he severed all ties with the family."

News sources: Hindustan Times.

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