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Uproar again with information about the birth of humans from monkeys!

Until now they thought that the evolution of animals better than chimpanzees took place mainly in Africa

The Dhaka Times Desk A new information about the evolution from chimpanzee to man and later has come to public. Important information has emerged after a long time of research by scientists.

বানর থেকে মানুষ জন্মানোর তথ্য নিয়ে আবার তোলপাড়! 1

Scientists, based on the information obtained due to various experiments, have believed for a long time that the evolution of animals better than chimpanzees took place mainly in Africa. Not only that, it happened about fifty to seventy million years ago.

Scientists have raised a few questions in that idea so far, and think that the evolution actually happened in Europe, not in Africa. The reason for this is said to be a Narkaroti, which is about 72 million years old!

According to the news of an international English daily, this new information was published in a science journal called 'Plus One'.

Examination of the fossil revealed that the gap between its 'premolar' teeth is similar to that of modern humans. The tooth setting of the crown is examined in two parts. The new skull was compared with the lower jaw of a skull from Greece and the upper jaw of a skull from Bulgaria. The experiment was conducted by the Department of Human Evolution and Paleoenvironment at the University of Tübingen, Germany.

It is there that pre-human fossils have been found so far only in the Sahara region of Africa. However, this newly discovered skull is thousands of years older than the African fossil.

Now the question is whether Africa's claim to human origin is ending? Researchers are researching this issue day and night.

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