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Toilet paper in the name of Trump!

Mexican Lawyer Names Toilet Paper Brand "Trump"

The Dhaka Times Desk Ever since he became a presidential candidate, Trump has been creating many controversies all over the world. Even after becoming the president, there is no end to criticism, sarcasm and mockery about him.

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Many have chosen novel ways to oppose Trump's various policies and comments. This time, a Mexican lawyer named the brand of toilet paper "Trump".

This lawyer named Antonio Battaglia is going to market this brand of toilet tissue within this year. He announced that 30 percent of the revenue from this toilet paper would be spent on the welfare of Mexicans expelled from America.

Note that many Mexicans have to return to Mexico from America due to Trump's immigration policy.

The prototype of the toilet paper wrapper has already been released. It features a cartoon image of Trump with a raised finger, next to a slogan that reads "Kindness without borders."

Battaglia said that he decided to market this toilet paper to protest against Trump's insults about Mexicans.

Trump said, “The people that are sent from Mexico (to the United States) are not very good. They are bringing drugs. They are bringing crime. They are rapists. But some of them are good."

"That made me angry," Battaglia said. Then I wanted to do something that would make an impact. But I wanted to do something positive without being sarcastic or taking revenge.”

At first, Battaglia wanted to market any clothing or shoes under Trump's name. However, he found out that in these two cases, the trademark of the Trump name has already been taken by the Trump Organization. He then planned to market toilet paper under that name. For this purpose he will invest about 21 thousand dollars.

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