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A Hindu family prayer-fasting and mosque love!

His friends do not stop laughing at this young man's actions. Jokingly called him, 'Mohammed' Parthasarathy Bose!

The Dhaka Times Desk Muslims pray and fast. Have you ever heard that a Hindu family prays and fasts? But this time really happened in India!

এক হিন্দু পরিবারের নামাজ-রোজা ও মসজিদ প্রীতি! 1

According to a report in Anandabazar Patrika, an influential newspaper in Kolkata, Jyathamshai died a month and a half ago and was shaved according to Hindu rules. Little hair is peeking out on his head. Partha Bose is sitting on the roof of the mosque with a big handkerchief on his head and eating iftar in a queue of fasting people. His friends do not stop laughing at this young man of forty years. Jokingly called him, 'Mohammed' Parthasarathy Bose! PARTHAR It doesn't matter. Fasting all day long, diligently measuring the time on the mobile phone and eating various kinds of iftar including dates and bananas.

Barasat Dakbanglo Junction of Kolkata is ten minutes away. There is not even a single Muslim living in this neighborhood. A few kilometers away, groups of pilgrims came from Konda, Chandanpur, Katuria and Machpul in Madhyamgram.

This mosque in West Ichapur Nabpalli in Barasa is the son of Dhyan Gyan Bosbari. Bose's property covers 20-25 bighas of land in this tallat. Today's old master Deepak Bose prays at home during Kali Puja. But even in these 67 years, he wants to appear in the mosque every morning and afternoon.

At 7 o'clock in the morning he sweeps the floor of the mosque with his own hands, and that is his peace. At this age, he cannot fast himself, but his son Parth aka 'Bappa' has no way to escape.

'They haven't touched water all day, how can I eat!' A few years ago Parth also started fasting.

Parthar's wife Papia wakes up at two in the morning to make tea and bread before waking up in the morning to honor her husband's attention. Last year, Parth was in Hrishikesh on business during Ramadan. He did not budge from his fasting routine even in the holy Hindu pilgrimage.

The Basu family of Khulna, Bangladesh, who migrated to Barasa, never imagined that a mosque would become involved with their fate in this way.

এক হিন্দু পরিবারের নামাজ-রোজা ও মসজিদ প্রীতি! 2

Before the riots in East Pakistan in 1964, no one ever thought of 'settlement in India'. Parthar Thakurda is the recipient of the title of 'Khidmat-e-Pakistan' by late Shri Niradkrishna Bose, the President of Pakistan, Ayub Khan.

He was Gazetted Officer of Chittagong Port. The incident left a deep wound in the lives of the Bose of Alka village in Phultala, Khulna. Mrinalkanti, the son of this house, dived into the pond for 11 consecutive days to escape from the hands of the Rajakars.

Niradakrishna's son Narayan Krishna was captured by the Rajakaras in seventy one. His wife Gauri committed suicide by hanging herself with a noose thinking that they would kill him again. Niradkrishna and his brother Vinodbihari's children then passed on the vast estate of Wajuddin Moral in Barasat until they finally migrated to India.

However, at first no one noticed that there was a mosque on the land they owned. At that time there was nothing written in the land deed. A total of three katha places have been found in Mereket. No one can say when the dilapidated Poro mosque dates back to the Middle Ages.

No one even entered inside for fear of snake bites. The former Muslim owners did not want to bother saying that 'keeping and not keeping is the same'. However, Niradkrishna's wife Lilavati's mind changed when she lit the lamp full of devotion in the mosque by the almond tree. 'Let there be no shortage of incense in this mosque, father,' he told the boys.

I cannot blame religion and its people for the atrocities of a few Razakars. It is not possible to let the memorial of some people's faith be dishonored! — This was Niradkrishna's philosophy of life.

The mosque really got a new life in the hands of Bose. They themselves never thought of changing their religion. A devout Hindu family maintains its religious practices properly. They just never indulged in pettiness.

'I don't accept people's excesses. That's all I understand, there is no problem if we stick together and survive!'- Parthar's father Deepak Babu says this with a smile. Basura walked the path of mosque renovation as much as possible.

On the mosque is written in large letters, 'bow to the Lord'! Next to it is written, 'Amanti Masjid'. This Basu family is also the murid of Amanat Ali Shah, the leader of devotion of all, irrespective of the Hindus and Muslims of Chittagong. Huzurghar is also built in his name. This mosque has gradually become one with the family culture of Basud.

Just what! If anyone from this house dies, he will be brought here once. Imam Sahib will give adhan before the last journey to the crematorium. There are more rules that after marriage, the new wife must also come to the mosque before entering her in-laws' house for the first time.

There is no need for newborn feeding in this house. Instead, it is customary to give a little pie to the mouth of the imam in the mosque! The mosque premises are also a repository of family values that do not succumb to the incitement of communal hatred and hatred.

Two and a half decades ago, the whole of India was in a frenzy over the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya. This Mofswal Mohalla was walking silently in the opposite direction. Just then, new brickwork was being laid to strengthen the mosque surrounded by tiles, rice and bamboo.

Partha and his elder brothers used to stand guard at the mosque in groups in the evenings. The strict order of the fathers, their family mosque should not be scratched!

Needless to say, no real scratches. Any damage to such a wakeful mosque will not be allowed to happen! All the neighbors believe that this mosque is their protector.

The storm of politics could not make any impression. Deepak Babu is a kerosene dealer. Keeping a small amount of money in the bank account, he still spends twelve annas on the care of the mosque.

The son of this Bosbari is the late Bombay film director Dilip Kumar Bose. They restored the appearance of the mosque by sharing with other brothers of the clan. Imam-Muezzins have been called and seated. Hindus also come here in times of trouble. But there is no question of selling kabach-tabiz.

Deepak Babu said in a loud voice, 'Let faith be in the place of faith! Never let religious business happen'. Many years ago Basura also dismissed an imam for selling amulets and talismans. When the ousted Imam went to take turns, no one heard the 'Bosbari Mosque' and did not act on that complaint.

So that no one can lift a finger, this mosque also has no rules for accepting cash donations. Although involved in various businesses, the Bose family always avoided promoters thinking that the local Muslims might have to give their hands to the land.

An influential religious organization once offered to take over the responsibility of the mosque. Basura sat them down and had tea and breakfast. And said, 'How can I leave the mosque of this life' - this is how they explained their inability.

There is no way to touch politics even in Iftar. No leader is called. The word 'Iftar-Party' is a severe allergic reaction. Their statement is, 'What is the Iftar party again? The fasting people here are also requested to avoid pomp full of splendor at all times!'

But what's the matter, the time of iftar seems to flow like a stream of joy. In the evening, the imam's Quran recitation was attended by everyone, regardless of Hindu or Muslim. Parth said, 'We believe, the Qur'an is for everyone to read, not just Muslims!'

On the twenty-seventh day of fasting, when the Qur'an Khatam is completed, the regular fasting people feed fish and rice to all those who can donate as much as they can. In the afternoon, Imam Akhtar Ali came by motorcycle. In the evening, before the beginning of the Tarawi prayer, he sat in the mosque and ate a piece of fish and rice. But when patriarch Deepak Babu is around, he gets in trouble. Because Akhtar's brother has to hide even to give a tip. If you get caught, you have to complain. The reason is that the rule of love of Garzen Deepakbabu continues all the time.

Their mentality really creates a different feeling. What religion and values of religion can give people can only be understood by looking at this Bose family. That religion and politics are completely separate things can be understood from the India story of three kathas of land in the infamous Mohalla of Barasat. This Bose family has also proved that there is no difference between people's religion and caste and 'Eksange Khakabai'! This Bose family has also shown the followers that many things can be done together.

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