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The television in the cage for fear of losing the game to India!

India-Pakistan have met a total of 11 times on the World Cup stage in two formats

Baghdad Iraq- March 11 2009 TV set in a metal cage at the Rashad mental hospital. There are 1300 patients at the Rashad mental hospital near Sadr City, 400 of which are women. It is the only such facility in Iraq, one of the largest remaining asylums in the world. It was bombed by the Americans and looted in the aftermath of the invasion. Last year two of its female patients blew themselves up in two crowded markets in Baghdad.

The Dhaka Times Desk India-Pakistan game is like a war situation. Cricket fans are also in a war mood. Just as there are joyous processions when you win, vandalism happens when you lose. To save the TV from such violent supporters, such measures were taken in advance in Pakistan!

ভারতের কাছে খেলায় হারের ভয়ে খাঁচার মধ্যে টেলিভিশন! 1

India-Pakistan have met a total of 11 times on the World Cup stage in two formats. Pakistan lost and India won every time of this meeting. However, in the 3-time meeting of the Champions Trophy, Pakistan is ahead in both wins. In the last 2015 World Cup and last year's T20 World Cup, Pakistani fans vented their anger on television after losing to India.

After the match, these fans vandalized televisions of several hotels and restaurants across Pakistan. So now
Many hotel and restaurant owners have caged the television to protect it from the hands of fans. Ahead of last Sunday's India-Pakistan clash at Edgbaston, hoteliers in Karachi and Peshawar were on alert, fearing an attack on television. They quickly filled the cages and locked them. So that no anger falls on their TV.

India won that match on June 4 by a huge margin of 124 runs. Many former Pakistani cricketers, however, have already voted for India.

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