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Dual SIM complications: What to do if one SIM is off while the other is off?

Actually while talking on 1 SIM the call on 2 SIM is supposed to show call waiting

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, almost all mobile sets use dual SIM. But while using one SIM the second SIM appears to be off many times. How to get rid of this? find out

ডুয়েল সিম জটিলতা: এক সিম ব্যবহারের সময় আরেক সিম বন্ধ থাকলে কী করবেন? 1

There are several problems that may arise in case of dual SIM in your set. For example, while talking on one SIM, the other SIM is often turned off. Actually while talking on 1 SIM the call on 2 SIM is supposed to show call waiting. But it doesn't. What do you do when there is such a problem? Today there are some suggestions in this regard.

# First of all you need to activate SIM-1 and SIM-2 call waiting if not activated.

# Now you have to go to Call settings from Sim-1 Call Settings to Call Divert in Settings. (On all phones, however, Call Divert option may not be available in Settings. In that case, you need to find Call Divert option).

# now go to options like Divert if unreachable or Divert if out of reach and you have to go to To other number. Go here and enter the SIM-2 number and click OK.

# should go to Sim-2 Call Settings To other number in the same way and enter the number of Sim-1 and OK.

Here you have to pay attention, while showing the call waiting of SIM-1 or SIM-2, there will be a sign of Divert above. By seeing which you have to understand that the call of SIM-1 or SIM-2 has been diverted to SIM-2 or SIM-1. But never receive the call while waiting, the balance of the caller will be deducted from your account.

So if this SIM problem occurs, if everything is fixed in the above system, there will be no more problem.

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