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5 foods harmful to teeth

Avoid such foods to protect your teeth

The Dhaka Times Desk We all are more or less aware of our teeth. However, regular brushing or flossing alone does not ensure tooth protection. You also need to be aware of food to ensure complete protection.

There are certain foods that can be harmful to teeth. If you are not aware of these foods, there is a possibility of various problems in your teeth. Some such foods are discussed.


Many people like candy. Children especially like it. But excess sugar in candy is very harmful to teeth. If candy is kept in the mouth for a long time, it can affect the teeth. So try to eat less candy even if you like it.


There is nothing new to say about the quality of lemons. Just as its aroma adds a different dimension to food, it also has nutritional value. But the acid in lemons destroys tooth enamel. This can lead to tooth decay later on. So be aware of eating lemons. Drinking water after eating lemon reduces the risk of damage.

Sports and energy drinks

Be aware of sports and energy drinks as well. Because most of these drinks contain a lot of sugar. So avoid them as much as possible.

the ice

Many people have the habit of drinking water or syrup with ice. Many people chew ice while drinking. This is a very harmful habit for teeth. This can also damage the tooth enamel.


Chips are loved by all of us as they are very tasty. But because of the presence of starch in the chips, it gets stuck between the teeth. As a result, there is a possibility of plaque accumulation in the teeth. To eliminate this problem, chips should be flossed well. People who have more gaps between their teeth should be more aware of this.

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