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Smell of garlic in the mouth? Remove easily

The smell may remain after 24-48 hours

The Dhaka Times Desk After eating garlic, there is a lot of discomfort due to the strong smell coming out of the mouth. Bad breath while talking to someone can be extremely embarrassing for you. But there are ways to solve this problem.

Garlic produces a compound called cystine sulfoxide. It is mainly due to this compound that the breath from the mouth is smelly. The biggest problem is that this smell can remain in the lungs for 24-48 hours after consumption. Let's find out how to get rid of this smell.


Garlic smell is easily removed by eating apples. Enzymes in apples help remove this odor. So eat an apple after garlic meal. You can also make apple juice and eat it.

mint leaves

Mint leaves also help remove the bad smell of garlic. Due to the chlorophyll present in mint leaves, the smell of garlic is easily removed. So chew mint leaves after eating garlic. If possible, you can make mint leaf tea and eat it. If the smell of garlic sticks to your hands, you can also remove it by pinching mint leaves.


Lemon is also very effective in neutralizing the smell of garlic. The citric acid in lemons neutralizes the effects of enzymes produced by garlic and removes odors. Drink a glass of water mixed with lemon after eating garlic. You can also wipe the outer part of the mouth with lemon water.

the milk

Drinking milk can also remove the smell of garlic. Milk reduces the effect of the odor-causing compound in garlic. Non-dairy milk is more effective in this case.


As surprising as it may sound, you can also reduce the smell of garlic by using a stainless steel product. In this case, using a spoon is more effective. A steel spoon in the mouth for a while touching different places. The smell is reduced due to the chemical reaction that occurs on the human skin due to the touch of the steel.

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