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28 years of being blind!

28 years ago he suddenly started telling everyone one day that he had a severe eye injury and could not see anything

The Dhaka Times Desk A woman has spent 28 years of her life dressed as a blind person without being blind. Even though he acted blind for so many years with dust in the eyes of his family or society, no one around him understood even once. Why did he act like that?

অন্ধ সেজে ২৮ বছর! 1

In response to the question of why the woman did such a thing, everyone was amazed. The woman's name is Carmen Jimenez, a resident of Madrid, the capital of Spain. 28 years ago he suddenly started telling everyone that he had a severe eye injury and could not see anything.

Carmen uses make-up to cover up the scars on her eyes. She wears eye makeup in such a way that everyone takes it as a sign of injury. She was a young woman of 29 when she started this act of being blind. Now he is 57 years old. A long time has passed in between. The woman has been acting blind all this time!

This month, Carmen suddenly revealed to everyone that she is not blind after all. So far he has acted blind. His family members were most surprised after hearing such words.

But why is this performance without being blind? In response to this question from a local daily, Hey Noticiar, Carmen said that she does not feel comfortable mixing with people. He is very annoyed to say 'hello' especially when meeting someone. He was blind for so many years to prevent himself from doing these things he disliked!

Carmen's family is happy to know the real truth but Carmen is not at all relieved. The reason for this is that despite not being blind, he enjoyed the facilities that the state provides for the truly blind. Because of this he is going to face punishment and fines according to Spanish law.

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