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Actor Shimul's new film 'Necklace'

Shimul's first film was 'Ekkatterer Jesu' directed by Nasir Uddin Yusuf Bachchu.

The Dhaka Times Desk In recent times, he is not seen much on TV, actor Shimulke. But this time popular TV actor Shimul is acting in a movie called 'Necklace'.

অভিনেতা শিমুলের নতুন চলচ্চিত্র 'নেকলেস' 1

The once popular actor Shimul is not seen much in acting. Sometimes it suddenly returns to the TV screen, then 'disappears' again. This actor of Natangan has equal popularity in films.

He was last seen acting in the ongoing drama Sunflawa in December last year. After breaking this 6-month break, he is going to return again in a short film this Eid.

It is known that the film is named 'Necklace' based on the story of Gee Da Mopasa. Written and directed by Ivan Manowar. It also stars Sumna Soma, Israt Tanni and others.

অভিনেতা শিমুলের নতুন চলচ্চিত্র 'নেকলেস' 2

Notably, Shimul's first film was 'Ekattare Jesu' directed by Nasir Uddin Yusuf Bachchu. After that he also acted in Matin Rahman's 'Mohabbat Zindabad', Humayun Ahmed's 'Shyamal Chaya', Belal Ahmed's 'Nandit Narake', Gias Uddin Selim's 'Manpura'. Apart from the small screen, actor Shimul acted in the latest Saiful Islam Mannu's film 'Putra'.

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