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Do you know what the thief wrote in the donation box of the mosque?

The case of a mosque called Jamia Masjid Sadiqul Madina in South Punjab, Pakistan

The Dhaka Times Desk You will also be surprised to hear what the thief wrote in the letter after stealing a donation box from a mosque! So what did the thief write?

মসজিদের দানবাক্সে চুরি করে চিঠিতে চোর কী লিখে গেলেন জানেন? 1

This is the case of Jamia Masjid Sadiqul Madina in South Punjab, Pakistan. As soon as the matter of the theft and the letter came to light, there was an uproar among the people coming to the mosque. The thief did not stop with stealing 50 thousand taka and battery from the donation box of the mosque. He wrote a letter before giving the champat. The thief wrote, 'There is no need for anyone else to talk about this. Because, it is Allah and his private matter.'

The authorities concerned said that two donation boxes of the mosque were missing. Also the inverter does not have a battery. The two boxes contained around 50,000 rupees. As soon as the news of this incident spread, the sensation started.

In the letter, the matter is between Allah and him. No one else needs to worry about this. So, let no one look for him. This is not the end, the accused thief said in defense that he is very poor. He came to Jamia Masjid to seek help once before. At that time he had a very bad experience.

The thief complained that he was chased away when he sought help from the imam of the mosque. So he came to the mosque and stole here without getting any help.

In order to save himself, the accused further stated that he did not steal from anyone's house; He stole from God's house. So the matter is entirely between the two.

Locals were shocked after reading that letter. They also appealed to the maulvi of the mosque to pardon the accused. But the imam of the mosque is adamant about his decision. He demanded the arrest and punishment of the accused. However, Imam Sahib did not open his mouth about the accused's request for help.

According to media reports, such incidents are not new in Pakistan. A similar incident happened in Pakistan's Jahnain during Ramadan last year. At that time, the accused stole the telephone tap from Hasmaine Karimine Mosque and wrote a letter in the same manner. While explaining the theft, the accused wrote that his financial condition was very bad. If he recovers, he will return the money again.

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