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5 things to do to prevent eczema

Certain factors can cause your eczema to flare up

The Dhaka Times Desk Eczema is a disease that causes parts of the skin to become dry, red, and itchy. While it is not possible to completely eliminate it, you can control it to a great extent by being aware of certain things.

There are certain things that can cause your eczema to flare up. These are the things you should identify and avoid as much as possible. Some of the factors that increase the incidence of eczema are mentioned below-

the dust

Avoid dust as much as possible if you have eczema. Studies have shown that exposure to dust increases the severity of eczema. So clean your house and furniture regularly to keep it dust free.


People with eczema should also be careful about using detergents. So use detergents that are fragrance-free and have a neutral “ph”. Besides, you can wear gloves while washing clothes with detergent.

hot weather

Many people suffer from eczema in hot weather. If you have this problem, you need to be especially careful during summer. Try to stay indoors as much as possible to avoid heat. Also, be aware that the body does not sweat too much. Because sweating is likely to aggravate the problem of eczema.

hot water

Exposure to hot water can aggravate eczema. So avoid bathing in hot water. If necessary, take a short bath in warm water. But bathing for a long time should not be done at all.


Eating certain foods can make your eczema worse. Different foods cause this problem in different people. This is mainly due to food allergies. So identify any foods you are allergic to and avoid them.

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