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5 Serious Damages That Lack of Sleep Can Cause

Lack of sleep can impair your mental skills

The Dhaka Times Desk You might be in the habit of sleeping late at night to cope with the stress of office work or studying. But do you know how much damage can be done to the body due to lack of sleep?

Sleep is very important for the body. If you don't get enough sleep for any reason, it's bound to take its toll on your body. Some of the problems you may suffer due to lack of sleep are mentioned below:

Reduces brain power

Lack of sleep can seriously impair your mental abilities. Lack of sleep can impair your attention, thinking and problem-solving skills.

Body weight gain

Lack of sleep is associated with hunger. If you don't get enough sleep, your appetite is likely to increase. As a result, your body weight may increase.

Increased depression

Lack of sleep can make you feel depressed. A survey conducted in the United States found that most people who suffer from depression sleep less than 6 hours a night.

Decreased libido

Sleep also affects libido. Lack of sleep can lead to decreased libido. The problem can occur in both women and men.

Increased chance of accidents

Due to lack of sleep, you may suffer from various types of accidents. In this case, the possibility of being affected by a road accident is high. According to a survey, nearly 100,000 people in the United States are involved in motor vehicle accidents each year due to lack of sleep.

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