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50 percent of women in Bangladesh are short! What is the reason for this?

44 percent of girls aged 15 to 19 in the country are curvy

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us are aware of the matter and that is that 50% of women in Bangladesh are short! But we don't know why it happens. Find out today.

বাংলাদেশের ৫০ ভাগ নারীই খাটো! এর কারণ কী? 1

According to one data, stunting rate is much higher among boys than among girls in different countries. But the picture of Bangladesh is completely opposite. 44 percent of girls aged 15 to 19 in this country are curvy, that is, almost half of the total number of women. On the other hand, in the neighboring country India, this number is one-third.

Recently, the children's organization Save the Children prepared a report titled 'End of Childhood' for the first time on the occasion of 'International Day for the Protection of Children'. This important information is there.

The report also published a list of 172 countries. There, the position of Bangladesh is at number 134. According to the report, childhood is about children feeling safe, playing and growing up learning. But the report states that one in four children in the world has lost their childhood.

According to the organization's report, more than 700 million children in the world live in societies where they do not have the same access to health, education and technology as other children. Diseases, malnutrition, bombs, bullets - these things have robbed children of their childhood.

The report also states that various cultural characteristics, such as the preference for boys in South Asia, hinder the physical growth of adolescent girls in the region. As a result, almost half of teenage girls in some countries are short.

Save the Children also said that if children do not get enough food and nutrition, their physical growth may not be sufficient. The organization lists 10 countries where two-thirds of the world's stunted children (children under 5 years of age) live. Among them, the position of Bangladesh is at number 8. The body size of about 5.5 million children in Bangladesh is the same according to the organization.

But according to the 'End of Childhood' index, children in West and Central Africa are worst off. 7 of the last 10 countries in the list are countries in that region. The report mentions that Norway and Slovenia are jointly at the top of the list.

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