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Reasons for Thinning Your Hair

By giving up some habits, it is possible to eliminate the problem of thinning hair

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people suffer from the problem of thin hair. In some cases, despite various attempts to normalize the hair, it remains thin. Basically it happens because of some of our habits.

We can eliminate the problem to a large extent only if we avoid the habits in our daily life that increase the chances of thinning of our hair. Let's know about some such habits.

Wipe wet hair vigorously

Many of us start drying our hair quickly after showering. It is very harmful for hair as it becomes very weak when wet.

itchy head

Sometimes you have a habit of scratching your head. People with dandruff usually experience increased levels of itchiness. As a result, the hair cuticle is damaged and breaks easily.

stay in the sun

Prolonged sun exposure is very harmful for hair. The sun's ultraviolet rays damage the cuticle layer of the hair, causing it to thin.

eating habits

In order to lose weight, we often reduce our food intake. But it can damage our hair. Studies have shown that patients suffering from anorexia are more likely to have hair problems.

Taking certain medications

Taking certain medications like statins, antidepressants, thyroid replacement drugs can accelerate this problem.

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