The Dhaka Times
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Why chase the dog behind the moving car? You will be surprised to hear!

Almost everyone is familiar with the scene of dogs barking and chasing cars

The Dhaka Times Desk We sometimes see dogs chasing cars. But you will be really surprised to hear why dogs chase after cars.

চলন্ত গাড়ির পিছনে কেন ধাওয়া করে কুকুর? শুনলে আপনিও বিস্মিত হবেন! 1

Almost everyone is familiar with the scene of dogs barking and chasing cars. A common sight during daily commute. A dog chasing a moving car. Sometimes they are seen running alone and sometimes in groups. But why does the dog chase after the car like this? Why do they lose their temper when they see the car? This is unknown to us.

Many of us think that dogs chase to compete with the speed of cars. It may be their normal habit. From childhood, dogs like to run like this. That could also be a reason. But it would be wrong to think that. Because the other explanation is also a very interesting and surprising thing. According to the explanation, dogs share their territory. To return to Astana, China keeps its residence and surroundings. So the way of recognition is also very novel. Dogs recognize the area by the smell of urine. That is why they urinate on the wheels of cars around the area where they live. When a car enters from another area, the dogs detect an unfamiliar smell. And that's when they realize that a stranger has entered their area. And that's why they chase after the car!

We all know that dogs are intelligent animals. So if the trainers explain it properly, they never make this mistake again. However, there is no problem with training for street or neighborhood dogs. So basically they are seen doing this work. Of course, there is no harm in it except benefit to people. Because if this reason is known, people will know that a stranger is entering the area just by seeing the dog chasing. And as a warning, the dog's call keeps barking.

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