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Even after 100 years, the cake is not wasted!

Although it seems ridiculous to many, it is actually true

The Dhaka Times Desk A 100-year-old fruit cake has been found in a hut in Antarctica. Incredibly, this cake is so fresh that its taste and aroma are almost completely intact.

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According to news media, after knowing such a thing, it seems ridiculous to many, but the matter is actually true. This cake is still edible! The cake was recently found by researchers from a New Zealand-based organization in Antarctica's Cape Adder.

It is known that the particular cake was stuck in a tin box. The tin box was rusted and almost destroyed, but the cake wrapped in foil paper was taken out from inside. Researchers were amazed by this cake.

It is believed that British explorer Robert Falcon Scott took the cake there. This cake is made by British biscuit company Huntley & Palmers. A group of explorers led by Falcon went on the Terranova expedition to Antarctica around 1910.

According to NDTV news, some of them took refuge in that house in Cape Adder. They had this fruit cake along with other food. They leave the cake there. Falcon and his companions reached the South Pole in 1912. On the way back they all died in a snowstorm. The question of why the cake was not destroyed is also revolving in the mind of the researchers. But their initial guess is that the cake is still fresh after 100 years because of the extreme cold in Antarctica.

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