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The 'Big Ben' clock is going to stop ringing!

It has been decided to temporarily stop the 'Big Ben' clock till 2021 for renovation work

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people know the sound of Big Ben. The bell of the famous 'Big Ben' clock in the UK is now closing!

‘বিগ বেন’ ঘড়ির সেই ঘণ্টাধ্বনি বন্ধ হয়ে যাচ্ছে! 1

The famous and traditional clock of the United Kingdom, 'Big Ben', is temporarily shutting down after 157 years. The relevant authorities said that this clock will not ring again from next week until 2021.

According to a report by BBC Online, it has been decided to temporarily close the 'Big Ben' clock until 2021 for renovation work. The clock was heard for the last time from the Elizabeth Tower at noon last Monday before closing.

The report also said that the 'Big Ben' clock was shut down from 1983 to 1985 and again in 2007 for renovation work. But that was done temporarily.

Meanwhile, UK Parliament authorities have said that there is no alternative to 'Big Ben' being closed for the time being for renovations. However, during some important events including New Years, arrangements will be made to hear this bell from the clock.

Steve Jags, the maintainer of 'Big Ben', said, 'Just as Big Ben needs to be renovated, Elizabeth Tower also needs to be renovated. That's why the clock will be kept off for almost a long time.

Adam Watrowski, chief engineer of the renovation project, said there are plans to modernize the building, the report added. It will also house elevators, restrooms and kitchens. Every part of Big Ben will be cleaned and renovated.

It should be noted that 'Big Ben' has been ringing for 157 years at the Elizabeth Tower in London. The weight of the clock installed in this 96 meter tall tower is 13.7 tons. It was previously said that the renovation of 'Big Ben' will cost 29 million pounds.

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