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Mobile full charge will be just a drop of sugar!

Now think about mobile charging with this sugar

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the irony of mobile charges. Especially in the present time, due to the use of various social media including Facebook or YouTube, there is a problem with the charge on the mobile phone. But this time that problem will not exist anymore. From now on mobile full charge will be just a drop of sugar!

মোবাইল ফুলচার্জ হবে মাত্র এক ফোঁটা চিনিতে! 1

Researchers have been trying to solve the problem of mobile charging for a long time in various ways. As a result, various technologies are being invented. Now such a technology has been discovered which will be possible to charge the mobile in a very simple way. In that way, the mobile will be fully charged in just a drop of sugar!

We used to think about making food with sugar for so long. But now we have to think about mobile charging with this sugar. Now you can run mobile with sugar! Scientists have invented a kind of battery using sugar juice. They claim that this battery will perform ten times better than lithium batteries of the same weight.

It is known that this amazing bio battery has been developed by the scientists of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Professor Percival Zhang of this institution said that the battery made of this sugar juice will have ten times more charge than lithium batteries of the same weight. The energy storage density of the battery is 596 amp per hour. This new battery has electro bio-chemical components. It will basically generate electricity from sugar juice. That is, the chemical energy obtained from the sugar juice will be converted into electrical energy. However, there is no word on when it will be fully operational.

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