The Dhaka Times Desk This time, an exceptional character is a prison inmate, the popular actor of today, Musharraf Karim! Playing the role of bandit Musharraf Karim Gale prison!
No one doubts that Musharraf Karim is a popular actor. The reason is that his acting skills are so strong that he is at the peak of popularity. Not only acting, but also gained wide fame. He has to dress up in various forms for the character of the story. Sometimes crazy, sometimes a lover, sometimes a thief!
Today's popular actor Musharraf Karim has played the role of a dacoit, where he has become a tainted convict. That's why he can be seen as a prison inmate! In the story of the drama, it will be seen that a youth in a printing job and a middle-aged robber meet in the launch. The name of this play is 'Dakat'. The drama is written by Shafiqur Rahman Shantanu. Directed by LR Sohail. This play is made on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha. The drama has recently been shot in various picturesque locations including Sadarghat, Meghna River, Chandpur.
They are passengers in the same cabin. Naturally, he was terrified when his fellow passenger heard of the once-notorious robber. Gradually, he discovers a sad man who is kind to life inside the once-prominent Jadrel robber.
Hasnat Ripon, Tasnuva Elvin, Noore Alam Nayan and others are co-stars of Musharraf Karim in this drama. And this play will be aired on TV.